How to Choose a Trade School for Becoming an Electrician

Selecting the right school is crucial because it can affect the kind of apprenticeship you can get and your future career prospects. In most states, there are both in-person and online courses available. While the former can offer you a more personalized experience, the latter are usually cheaper, so they are a good solution for people who want to avoid going into debt.

Before you select a school, check all the rules and regulations in the area you want to work in to avoid enrolling in the wrong institution. You should also think about what specializations you might want to choose and whether you'd like to open your own electrical business in the future.  

Consider the Rules and Regulations in Your Area 

Every state has different requirements for aspiring electricians. While some areas allow you to skip straight to the apprenticeship, many others require you to complete trade school before you can apply. If you're opting for an in-person school close to where you're planning on working in the future, it's likely that they will follow all the rules and regulations of the local area.

However, if you're attending a course in a different area or you've selected an online trade school, you should double-check that you'll be eligible for an apprenticeship in your preferred location. Otherwise, you might have to attend another course, which will cost you both time and money.

Online or Offline? 

One of the main advantages of becoming an electrician is that you won't have to deal with significant student debt after you qualify. Most electrician courses take less than a year, although there are associate degrees that can take significantly longer. Electricians usually have less than $10,000 in student debt, while people who attended a four-year college might owe $30,000 or more.

If you're worried about paying for school, you could opt for an online program, which is likely to cost less than $1,000 per semester. Thus, you can expect your entire degree to cost you $1,000 to $2,000. While this is a cost-effective option, it isn't always ideal because you won't get any hands-on experience, and you won't have any local peers to exchange ideas with.

Consider Whether You Want to Specialize 

There are many types of electricians, and they work in different environments. A person specializing in residential electrical installation usually visits individuals at their homes and sets up or repairs their electrical systems. In contrast, a commercial electrician works with businesses, and an electrical motor control specialist works with electrical vehicles.

Sometimes, trade schools offer classes or degrees that are specially designed for a certain kind of electrician. If you already know what environment you want to work in, you should consider choosing a school that offers the kind of education you'll need for your specialization.

Consider Whether You Want to Open Your Own Business 

Once you've completed trade school, you can start working as an apprentice electrician. Usually, you'll get paid for this work, although your salary will be lower than that of a fully qualified electrician. After several years, you can take a test and become licensed. Then, you'll either join a firm or start your own electrician business.

While working for someone else can provide you with stability, it often isn't the most lucrative option. For this reason, many seasoned electricians set up their own companies. If they provide a good service and market themselves well, they can get enough work to hire additional staff within a few years. People who believe that they'd like to start their own company at some point should look for a trade school that also offers business classes.

Should I Become an Electrician? 

Becoming an electrician is a good option for many people who want to get a dependable, well-paid job without going to a four-year college. One of the main advantages of this job is that you won't have to deal with five or even six-figure student debt. The average electrician earns between $50,000 and $60,000 per year, but there are many ways of advancing your career and achieving a higher salary.

For example, you could complete further training, take on apprentices, or select a specialization that is in high demand. Because more and more aspects of our daily lives rely on electricity, it's likely that the demand for electricians will grow in the future. This job is sought after all over the world, so you can move to a different state or country without any problems.

What Are the Next Steps? 

After you've selected your trade school and completed your education, you'll have to look for an apprenticeship. There are online tools, such as, that can match you up with suitable employers. Alternatively, you can contact organizations like the National Electrical Contractors Association. Your apprenticeship will take several years.

During this time, you will accompany an experienced electrician and learn how to complete a wide variety of jobs, and you will study for the final exam. Once you've qualified and received your license, you can seek employment. Most electricians work for someone else for several years before they set out on their own. However, it all depends on your individual situation and how experienced you already are.

Selecting a good trade school for electrician training is important because it can determine which apprenticeships you're eligible for. To get the most out of your education, you should study the regulations in your area, then consider what you're hoping to get out of trade school. Many aspiring electricians aim to open their own companies, so they should take business classes. Call us at ServiceBox to find out more about managing your electrical company effectively.

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