7 Problems Your Service Company Can Solve With Current Software

Many businesses are struggling, so they have to make their operations as efficient as possible. Software for service companies can help small and medium-sized firms share information more easily and more effectively schedule events, manage customer information, market, speed up quoting and invoicing, keep track of inventory, and take payments.

1. Sharing Information

Sometimes, several employees have to work with the same customer, especially if your company offers out-of-hours services. In the past, this could be a problem because each employee had to update everyone else about new developments or changes in the customer's situation. With software for business, the process is automated, and information can be shared instantly.

If a customer provides an employee with new information, the worker can add this to the database, so everyone has access to it instantly. Similarly, employees can share information about their schedules and the tasks they have completed. Because a tool like ServiceBox can be downloaded on the phone, everyone can access and update it even when they are out and about.

2. Scheduling Issues

Initially, managing your schedule can be easy, especially if you work on your own or you only have one or two employees. But as your business grows, keeping track of what everyone is doing at any given time can be a hassle. To avoid mistakes and make life easier, you can install software like ServiceBox. With the help of the scheduling tool, you can create tasks for your employees, and they can edit them as needed.

For example, you can add a task such as a home visit for one of your workers. They will see this instantly, and they will visit the customer at the appointed time. If the meeting runs over, they can adjust their schedule as soon as they are done, so you know why they are delayed. This makes it much easier to keep track of what your employees are doing and who is available if a last-minute request comes in.

3. Managing Customers' Information 

As you employ more and more people, you need a system that allows you to store and update your customers' data easily and quickly. With the help of software for business, you can create a searchable database that records each customer's address, phone number, email, social media details, and more. You can also add information about the service they need and the interactions you've had with them in the past.

That way, your company will be able to offer them an individualized and personalized service, no matter who picks up the phone. Another reason why you should use such a database is that it is safer than an online or offline alternative. If there is a natural disaster or if your computer is hacked, your customers' data won't be lost or stolen because there are various safety measures in place.

4. Ineffective Marketing 

Online marketing is becoming increasingly important for small businesses. People under the age of 35 search for services almost exclusively online, so you're missing out on a lot of customers if your online marketing strategies aren't efficient. ServiceBox can help you because it provides you with several tools related to your website and your social media accounts. 

There is an audit feature that can show you how well your site is performing and what improvements you could make to increase its visibility. Additionally, there is a dashboard where you can view and manage your content across various platforms. Once you've received positive reviews from your customers, you can plug them into an automatic generator that distributes them to online review sites, where new potential customers will see them.

5. Slow Quoting and Invoicing 

Many companies have to create quotes and invoices for their customers. Unless you automate this process, it can take up a lot of valuable time. With the help of your business software, you can create templates that work for your company. Every time you need to create a new quote or invoice, you simply add your customer's details and the details of the order, and then you can either print out the document or send it via email. 

Since ServiceBox works on multiple devices, you can respond to pricing enquiries and send off your invoices even when you're out and about. What's more, you can duplicate quotes or invoices, add attachments to your documents, and keep track of your communications. If a customer doesn't respond, the software can send you a reminder to follow up with them.

6. Keeping Track of Inventory 

Without a good software for business, you risk mismanaging your stock and running out or buying too much of a product you don't need. ServiceBox allows you to set an automatic reorder point, so you don't have to worry about checking up on your inventory. What's more, the software provides an easy way of tracking your materials, which are removed from the database once they have been sold or used up. 

7. Taking Various Types of Payments 

Different customers pay in different ways, and giving people options increases the likelihood of a sale and rapid payment. Payments software helps you to quickly take credit card payments through the pay-button in the email you send to your customers.

Here at ServiceBox, we partner with PayRoc, and we've made it easy for you to set up your account. What's more, there is a fixed rate of 2.75% + 0.25 cents for regular credit cards and 3.5% + 0.25 cents for American Express, so you'll know exactly what you're paying, and there won't be any confusing or unexpected fees.

Nowadays, businesses have to be highly efficient if they want to survive in a crowded marketplace. A software for service companies can help you to improve communication with your employees, store your customers' information safely, market yourself more efficiently, and speed up various processes such as quoting, invoicing, and inventory management. Call us today at ServiceBox to start your free demo or to speak to an expert.

No Surprises & Priced According To Your Needs

Our customers love the affordability and flexibility of our software. ServiceBox is priced to ensure you see a return on your investment. We have pricing options that align with your needs whether you’re a one person service business or manage a large team in the field.