11 Tips for Giving Accurate Quotes as a Plumber

As a plumber, you know that accurately quoting a job is essential for maintaining good customer relations. It's also important to have the necessary information, plumbing tools, and software to do the job right the first time. In this post, we'll discuss tips for quoting services accurately and hopefully provide some helpful tools you can use in your business.

Gather Information

Before you can even start to think about quoting your client, you need to do your due diligence. Get as much information from the customer as possible. This includes the scope of the work, location, dates and times, contact information, etc. The more information you have, the more accurate your quote will be.

Every plumbing job requires different materials, so it's essential to ask your client what they need. Are they looking for new pipes? A new water heater? Something else entirely? Once you know what they need, you can start to put together a quote.

Get Accurate Measurements

Inaccurate measurements are one of the leading causes of quoting errors. Make sure to take note of every single measurement, no matter how small. This includes the length and width of pipes, the size of the job site, etc. If you're not confident in your measuring skills, it's always better to overestimate than underestimate.

If you're quoting a job for a new water heater, be sure to measure the space where it will be installed so that you're not faced with any awkward situations on the day of the job.

Ask Questions

If you're unsure about something, ask the customer for clarification. It's better to clarify things up front than to give an inaccurate quote. Though it may seem unprofessional if you don't know something, the customer would rather explain it to you at the beginning than have to hire someone else to fix a botched job.

Take Your Time

Don't rush through the quoting process. You should always take the time to double-check your work so that you can be confident in your quote. This is especially important if you're quoting a large or complicated job.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, reach out for help from a colleague or friend. They may be able to spot an error that you've missed. Two pairs of eyes are better than one, and sometimes when you are stuck in a problem, it can be hard to see your way out of it. Or, if you want to be extra confident in your quote, get a second opinion from another plumbing contractor. They may be able to offer some helpful insights.

Use a Quoting Service or Software

ServiceBox software is explicitly designed for quoting, work orders, scheduling, ongoing maintenance, and invoicing. Our system ensures that you include all the necessary information in your quote. The software works to streamline your quoting process so that you can get your quote out to the customer as quickly and accurately as possible.

With ServiceBox, you can:

  • Duplicate quotes for new clients wanting similar jobs
  • Connect to our online system and generate quotes anywhere
  • Choose the option to reveal or hide price breakdowns from your clients
  • Make printouts for your customer
  • Increase efficiency by emailing quotes directly to your customers
  • Add necessary attachments or signatures to all your quotes
  • Receive text reminders to follow up on work that you've quoted

Get Multiple Quotes From Suppliers

Multiple quotes will help you to get the best materials needed for the job. You can compare prices and get the best deals if you get numbers from various suppliers. Your customers will surely thank you for that! This will also help you to build relationships with reasonable and reliable suppliers, which will come in handy down the line.

Make a Breakdown

Include a detailed breakdown of all costs in your quote. This way, the customer knows exactly where their money is going. Show them the prices for materials used, labor, and anything else that goes into the job. This will help to build trust with your customers and ensure that there are no surprises when they receive their bills.

Add a Buffer

Make sure to add a buffer for unexpected costs. This will help to ensure that you're not left out of pocket if the job ends up being more work than expected. Many plumbers have fallen into the trap of quoting a job for too little and then not making any profit at the end of it. Your quote should also include a fair price for your work.

If you don't value your own time and skills, nobody else will. When quoting a job, make sure to factor in your labor costs as well as the cost of materials.

Get Customer Feedback

Once the job is completed, follow up with your customer and ask for feedback. If they're happy with the work, be sure to let them know that you appreciate their business. If they're unsatisfied, find out what you need to work on to improve every job.

These days, having a website filled with rave reviews is gold! If you haven't already, you need to create a review page for your business so that future clients can see what others have had to say about your work. This will also motivate you to give your best effort for every single job to keep up that five-star rating!

Keep These Tips in Mind

Accurately quoting services is an essential part of being a successful plumber. By following these tips, you can be confident that you're providing your customers with the best possible service. We hope that this information has been helpful.

The ServiceBox system can help make quoting easier and more efficient for you and your customers. ServiceBox is the leading software solution for small businesses in the plumbing industry. By following these tips, you can be sure that you're quoting accurately and giving your customers the best possible service. Get in touch with us at ServiceBox today if you have any questions or if you feel ready to get started using our product.

No Surprises & Priced According To Your Needs

Our customers love the affordability and flexibility of our software. ServiceBox is priced to ensure you see a return on your investment. We have pricing options that align with your needs whether you’re a one person service business or manage a large team in the field.